Lady's Magazine
We are the agora of the Italian women's entrepreneurship world and help women turn their dreams into concrete realities thanks to a few but essential high-impact entrepreneurial tools.
The first through information.
The second through targeted counseling so that women entrepreneurs can benefit from those opportunities made available by the Italian government, Regions or local Chambers of Commerce as well as funds available from the European Community.
Every single aspect is analyzed. Every issue is dissected and resolved.
Women entrepreneurs, just as moms do in families, have the skills to grow their businesses that, thanks to undeniable stubbornness and determination, will allow them to achieve their goals.
In one word: success!
Our mission is to foster, in today's highly competitive and difficult market, the world of female entrepreneurship.
Efforts will be made to make available suggestions and information for startups, stimuli for innovation for companies characterized by historicity, or encourage the resolution of issues related to the difficult time of the generational transition from father to daughter.
Enabling obstacles to be overcome will be the real mission.
"When everything seems to be going wrong, remember that planes take off against the wind not with the wind in their favor."
Henry Ford
Lady's magazine was born, in print version, in 2010 as a generalist magazine for the world of women on the "free press" model. Despite having a localized distribution since the first editions, it has been able to make its contribution to Women's by gaining loyalty and authority.
Growing interest and demand pushed the editorial staff toward a new model that, aimed at women's entrepreneurship, could foster awareness of specific issues that, in many cases, were neglected by the media or, even worse, not sufficiently brought to the attention of women entrepreneurs.
In 2022 the implementation of the project became a reality!
In a short time, the revamped site saw a growth in attendance. Followers on Istagram and Facebook are increasing.
Now from the print edition with localized distribution there has been a shift to a digital form made usable in ether markets as well. This will also make available to foreign women entrepreneurs the know-how needed to operate in Italy and make visible to them Italian entrepreneurial excellence and our culture