Calls and contributions, Community



Even a woman, why not, can become a successful entrepreneur, and if you have this dream, European funding is the perfect solution. The particular facility is designed to incentivize female entrepreneurship and support start-up expenses. European funding for women‘s entrepreneurship is designed to support start-up expenses.

European funding for women‘s entrepreneurship makes it possible to obtain capital to support the start-up expenses of a business, including the purchase of goods and services and also of the production start-up location/location/land. This type of financing can be applied for by all "small businesses" such as:

  1. cooperative companies made up of at least 60% women;
  2. corporations whose shareholdings and composition of the board of directors are at least 2/3, owned by women;
  3. sole proprietorships, consortia, training institutions and professional bodies whose shares are 70% owned by women.

Beneficiaries of European funding for women‘s entrepreneurship must necessarily be classified as a "small business," as they meet certain requirements characterizing their business activities:

  1. the enterprise must have no more than 50 employees;
  2. must have an annual turnover not exceeding 5 million euros;
  3. must not have a Balance Sheet not exceeding 2 million euros;
  4. must not have a shareholding of more than 25 percent in one or more enterprises lacking the requirements listed above.

During the start-up of the business activity it is also possible that the percentage share of women varies, depending on the needs or even on the production activities, but this is not eligible for the maintenance of the financing that was benefited precisely because of these parameters that characterized the enterprise for the strong female share. The parameters required at the time of signing the European funding must remain unchanged for a period of at least 5 years.

In the event that the women‘s share declines before the specified period, the enterprise incurs the revocation of the financing and must repay the amount with the possibility of incurring penalties. This means a great loss for the business activity so it is advisable to continuously monitor and evaluate the entry of other employees or collaborators, always preserving that share through which the funding was obtained.

In order to obtain European funding for women‘s entrepreneurship, it is necessary to participate in a European call for applications, assess whether you meet the participation requirements and submit the application to your region. At the deadline of the call, a merit list will be drawn up, in which you will have the answer of acceptance or rejection of funding.

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