Tourism, Vacation
All‘estremo nord-orientale della Sardegna si trova il regno delle vacanze di lusso: un esclusivo borgo marinaro, un gioiello architettonico incastonato tra bellezze naturali. Capoluogo indiscusso della Costa Smeralda, Porto Cervo è una frazione costiera del comune gallurese di Arzachena, con poche specie di residenti. In estate diventa una straordinaria e sfavillante sfilata di yacht e celebrità
La Costa Smeralda è una favola turistica e un caso da manuale di sviluppo del territorio. Quella che oggi è famosa nel mondo come una delle mete più esclusive del turismo d‘élite, cioè di imprenditori, principi, star del cinema e altre celebrità, era fino agli anni ‘60 solo un tratto di costa selvaggio e inospitale della Sardegna nord- orientale, sconosciuto al di fuori dell‘isola .
A salvarlo è arrivato un principe, proprio come è successo a Cenerentola: in questo caso, però, si tratta di un affare regale e il principe in questione è Karim Aga Khan, di origine araba ma di nazionalità britannica. Arrivò qui alla fine degli anni ‘50 e ebbe l‘idea visionaria di trasformarsi in questo luogo paradisiaco in una destinazione turistica di lusso. Fortunatamente la volontà del principe, precursore del turismo sostenibile, era di uno sviluppo edilizio che conservasse e valorizzasse le caratteristiche del magnifico paesaggio della zona. Si tratta di spiagge dalla sabbia bianchissima, un mare dai colori e trasparenze incredibili, rocce scolpite dal vento, profumata macchia mediterranea: veri e propri capolavori della natura.
The first constructions were made by the best architects of the time, who managed to devise a peculiar architectural style that achieves a perfect integration with the landscape, without distorting it. The rest, as they say, is history. You can also experience the fairy tale of the Emerald Coast by giving yourself the best vacation of your life. It may not be cheap, but when has luxury ever been?
This summer marks 60 Costa Smeralda candles: it was 1962, when Prince Karim Aga Khan, along with five other members-Patrick Guinnes, Felix Bigio, John Duncan Miller, André Ardoin and René Podbielski-began the Costa Smeralda Consortium. With the formal establishment of the Consortium, a nonprofit association was born with a very specific goal: to protect the nature, waters and traditions of a unique area, ensuring sustainable urban, territorial and architectural development of the destination, preventing any kind of building speculation.
The undisputed capital of the Costa Smeralda, Porto Cervo is a coastal hamlet of the Gallurese town of Arzachena, with a few hundred residents. In summer it becomes an extraordinary and glittering parade of yachts, yachts and celebrities: in the piazzetta it is easy to find yourself shopping with movie and television stars. Every day is a continuous succession of appointments with the international jet set: parties, socialites, sporting events, golf in particular.The seaside village has sprung up around a natural cove that resembles a deer. The center of «Poltu Celvu» (in local dialect) is built on an elevated plane above the harbor. From the Piazzetta delle Chiacchiere to the Sottopiazza, it is a maze of narrow streets, windows, and small balconies-built in what has become the style of the Costa Smeralda-and of stores and boutiques with prestigious signatures. All around are the most prestigious restaurants, luxury hotels, and the most fashionable clubs, the center of the coast‘s nightlife. Splendid villas climb up to the surrounding hills, surrounded by Mediterranean scrubland. In planning, the prince and his collaborators thought they could create architecture that maintained as much continuity with the typical local architecture as possible, fitting perfectly into the environment: it was the key to success. Speaking of architecture, not to be missed is the Stella Maris church, the work of architect Michele Busiri Vici, overlooking Porto Cervo marina.
Breathtaking beaches shine within walking distance of the tourist center. Into the turquoise, green and blue reflections of the sea plunges the arching expanse of soft white sand of the Grande Pevero, flanked by granite rocks shaped by time and Mediterranean scrub. Behind it lie manicured golf courses that make the resort a popular destination for avid golfers. Separated by a promontory, you‘ll find Piccolo Pevero, a small beach less than half as long as its ‘big sister‘. Offshore you‘ll admire the islets of Li Nibani, ‘the seagulls.‘ Two kilometers further south are other wonders: the Romazzino and Prince‘s Beach (in honor of the Aga Khan). At the opposite base of the ‘emerald‘ promontory, you‘ll be enraptured by delightful coves, including Cala di Volpe and Liscia Ruja. Still further south, you can‘t miss the paradise of Cala Capriccioli, tiny beaches of fine, clear sand protected by yellow, pink and reddish granite rocks. The Gallurese name means ‘little goats,‘ which is a pair of mighty, rounded, polished boulders that form various coves. The eastern shore is ideal for families, the western side is formed by the beaches ‘del Pirata‘ and ‘delle Tartarughe‘. The panorama is enhanced by the islands of Soffi and Chambers and the islet of Mortorio.
The seaside village has sprung up around a natural cove that resembles a deer. The center of «Poltu Celvu» (in local dialect) is built on an elevated plane above the harbor. From the Piazzetta delle Chiacchiere to the Sottopiazza, it is a maze of narrow streets, windows, and small balconies-built in what has become the style of the Costa Smeralda-and of stores and boutiques with prestigious signatures. All around are the most prestigious restaurants, luxury hotels, and the most fashionable clubs, the center of the coast‘s nightlife. Splendid villas climb up to the surrounding hills, surrounded by Mediterranean scrubland. In planning, the prince and his collaborators thought they could create architecture that maintained as much continuity with the typical local architecture as possible, fitting perfectly into the environment: it was the key to success. Speaking of architecture, not to be missed is the Stella Maris church, the work of architect Michele Busiri Vici, overlooking Porto Cervo marina.
Breathtaking beaches shine within walking distance of the tourist center. Into the turquoise, green and blue reflections of the sea plunges the arching expanse of soft white sand of the Grande Pevero, flanked by granite rocks shaped by time and Mediterranean scrub. Behind it lie manicured golf courses that make the resort a popular destination for avid golfers. Separated by a promontory, you‘ll find Piccolo Pevero, a small beach less than half as long as its ‘big sister‘. Offshore you‘ll admire the islets of Li Nibani, ‘the seagulls.‘ Two kilometers further south are other wonders: the Romazzino and Prince‘s Beach (in honor of the Aga Khan). At the opposite base of the ‘emerald‘ promontory, you‘ll be enraptured by delightful coves, including Cala di Volpe and Liscia Ruja. Still further south, you can‘t miss the paradise of Cala Capriccioli, tiny beaches of fine, clear sand protected by yellow, pink and reddish granite rocks. The Gallurese name means ‘little goats,‘ which is a pair of mighty, rounded, polished boulders that form various coves. The eastern shore is ideal for families, the western side is formed by the beaches ‘del Pirata‘ and ‘delle Tartarughe‘. The panorama is enhanced by the islands of Soffi and Chambers and the islet of Mortorio.